Masturbating Tips for Military Life and Relationships
Life in the military is demanding both mentally and physically, active military personnel deserve to treat themselves to a bit of intimacy. No matter if you are male or female, a fresh-faced recruit right out of high school, or an officer... we have the masturbation tips for you!
Masturbating Tips for Service Members in committed relationships

Bring Something of Your Partner's
Being in a relationship and serving your country can be a very trying ordeal, especially when deployment happens. Something as simple as bringing a personal memento for a sense of closeness with your partner can go a long way. One great example of this is something associated with smell. Smell is one of those senses directly correlated to memory. That's why catching a whiff of a certain fragrance can take you back in time to fond memories. Just as the smell of fresh-baked cookies can remind you of childhood, a sexy perfume or cologne that your partner wears is a great aphrodisiac. We recommend engaging multiple senses to set the mood, whether that be a t-shirt of your partner, a used pillowcase, or a bottle of fragrance.
Use your Imagination, and Let Your Partner Help!
If you are going away to an area where you will not have regular communication with your partner, try spicing things up the old fashion way. Write down some sexy scenarios in detail for your partner, and in turn have them do the same. Write down several sexy stories for one another, and when the time comes to unwind with a masturbation session, read a new story your partner has written for you. Your imagination can run wild as you can envision intimacy with your partner, explore new sexual boundaries from afar and possibly open a conversation about erotic imaginations.
Use Technology for Mutual Masturbation

Technology has come a long way in the last 20 years, and everyone can benefit from the leaps in tech. If you are deployed or stationed far from your partner but have internet services, partner play is ready for you to explore. Even if you are lacking a computer, this can easily be done with most smartphones on the market and can really strengthen the bond between partners. Looking to take your webcam session to the next level? Try picking out a sex toy together, something like our Prime Series of Thrusters. Both of you can be familiar with the sex toy in order to bring it into the virtual bedroom and elevate the experience.
Use tech for your masturbation pleasure by having your partner pick out playlist porn for you to watch. You can use this to share what you might be interested in or discover new kinks with your partner.
Send Your Partner a Sexy Gift

When absent from everyday life, whether during a deployment or an assignment you can always send your partner a sex gift. Some gift ideas to send your affection might be
- Sex Toy- Try sending them a dildo, sex toy, or even a sex machine to let them know you are thinking of them. As with all of Velvet Co. sex toys, we offer discreet shipping and ship internationally
- Lube- Sending your partner a refill of lubrication is another great idea to ensure the relationship continues... Smoothly
- An Outfit- Looking to get a sexy picture or possibly a webcam session with your partner? Send them a sexy outfit and thrill one another.
Be Open About Masturbation with Your Partner
Can you imagine that only a few decades ago masturbation was not in the discussion for couples? It's true, but being open and honest about our sexual needs with your partner can be incredibly liberating and instills a certain amount of trust. Talking to your partner when you are away about their masturbation and your own can really add some spice to the relationship and fuel your masturbation tank indefinitely. Talking about using sex toys, and the erotic thoughts that bring you to climax communicates a few things.
- Trust- Trusting your partner with the most intimate details of your life is great for strengthening your bond in general but also sharing with your partner what you lust for and possibly unleashing your inner kink.
- Faithfulness- This goes hand and hand with trust, but unless you are engaged in an open relationship it's always comforting to know that you still share a certain amount of sexual intimacy.
- Possible Kinks- Sharing what you visualize when masturbating can communicate to one another about potential kinks to explore one reunited. This can be a vital sexual growth tool and can bring couples much closer together. Chances are that your kink is not that uncommon.
- Reduces Pressure in a Relationship- Have you ever been away from someone physically for an extended period only to have the thought of physical reuniting give you a sense of anxiety? You are not alone, but if you openly communicate about self-pleasure and involve one another in the experience, that anxiety will not build in the same way, because you remained sexual with one another.